Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Being Transformed By the Renewing of Our Minds

The hope for transformation for me has been much like one would hope for healing. When I first read Hinds Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurnard the hope was fanned into a flame as I read the scriptures with new insight. She based her allegory on many Biblical principles and my hope to love was birthed. Although her struggles in real life were different from mine ,my emotional afflictions seemed to be as crippling and certainly damaging to my service to Christ. When I was able to respond with joy to an event that use to bring me anger , I knew I wanted to glorify my LORD with a word of testimony. For the years of searching, the joys of finding, His streams of living water and grace. My emotions are finally revealing a healing that only His Holy Spirit could have given me, by the renewing of my mind in His Word.

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