Friday, July 28, 2006


Better Than A Yard Sale

Last week quite joyfully I told you how I was blessed to see so many people come to the yard sale. I and the person in need were so grateful to so many who bought our items we had to sell . When it totaled enough to meet the immediate needs we thanked Jesus, Who is all we need. As I saw more monetary needs coming I began asking people to pray with us.
Well, last night an opportunity for employment came to this person in need. In two hours she was able to earn quite a bit of money . It is possible her talents that she's been given will be seen by others . It isn't that this person wants to be fabuously rich. She would like to be able to pay her rent on time and have all her utilities on and paid up current. She would also like to have a car. Praise the LORD with me today , as I see that may be happening quite soon now. Praise the LORD !

Sunday, July 23, 2006


No Small Thing , Not At All

As I continue to see the mighty hand of God move on my behalf , I want to give glory to His name. May I exhort you to remember that the moving of a mountain may be done one shovel full at a time. Thus , each shovel full that the mighty hand of God picked up and moved would be a miracle. Oh, will I tell you of every time He moves in my life? Probably not. I haven't thus far, yet the witness to share is growing so I believe I will tell you I had the most exciting yard sale! There was a financial need. I knew of a water bill that had to be paid or the water would be turned off. I did not know of a phone that would soon be turned off if not paid. As the money started coming in and we saw the water bill money there then I heard of this other need. That was great because in came the customers. I didn't even advertise in the paper. I just sent in a free announcement over a local radio station. People down the street may have advertised because here they came lots of people. Plus another special favor was granted us, we had a break in the hot weather we had been experiencing. For two months I had been collecting things for a yard sale as this is one of the ways my friends chose to bless me. They are aware that I like to have an avenue to give. By re-selling their items I have give money. In turn I was blessed abundantly at the yard sale because I had opportunity to meet so many people. Some who I would of loved to talk to more and get to know them if there had been time. So I gave out a newsletter that included this blog site. When they come to read this today I hope they will rejoice with me that the yard sale was a wonderful miracle. Not only was there enough money generated to take care of this financial need but there were three boxes left over to give away for free. Just like the feeding of the five thousand , more than enough. Plus the joy in the hope that I have today that Lord might increase my circle of friends. What a joy it would be finding more Christian believers who agree that we can have a "word of testimony" given to us from God's Holy Word.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Miracles Happen

When my daughter called and said her refrigerator had quit working , I thought here we go , another storm in our already stormy lives. Although we live in separate homes we are not separate in these tragic events that have come upon her. Our prayers were answered , thank-you dear friends who prayed. Some of the people who seemed to have their minds set on seeing my poor daughter miserable have stopped doing some of the mean things they were doing. How be it though, her finances are dire. No car and well, it is pretty dire. So the refrigerator is broke and she figures it will cost about $120.00 to fix it, because she had a guy out two years ago to fix it and that is what it cost then. After taking care of some basic instructions about trying to preserve the food in the freezer , I entreated her to pray first before she spent any money . I know she can hear from the Holy Spirit , just wanted to remind her , to stop and pray. And I said , I would pray too. So as soon as I could I entered in to His presence and waited for the Holy Spirit to tell me how to pray.
I was kind of surprised when the story of the little boy who gave Jesus his five loaves of bread and two fishes came to my mind but I am not one to be embarrassed to pray however the Spirit is leading me.
So I began,"I know Lord you can do all things. I know that if you want , we can even live without bread and still exist, because man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.However, Jesus you must of felt that the people whom you feed from the five loaves and two fishes , needed food and it did not bother you to ask Your Father to bless them with food. I ask You now to bless my daughter with a refrigerator because most of the food she has to live on for the next two weeks is frozen and in that freezer. Would you please make her refrigerator work, I asked. Would you please touch it and make it work ?" A thought came to my mind and I called my daughter up.
My grand-daughter answered the phone and she said that my daughter had gone to take the meat over to her brothers freezer.
I said, "When she comes back ask her to check the fuse box , or maybe jiggle the plug or something. Maybe there is just a short and she won't need to get it fixed."" I am praying that God will make the refrigerator work." I ended my call. And went back to praying. I continued until my daughter called and said she'd checked the fuse box, and not a thing. But her brother thought he had a friend with a refrigerator to sell so maybe it will work out okay. So today the brother and the friend went about bringing the used refrigerator over to her house and when they pulled her old refrigerator out , and jiggled the started working.
Now isn't that awesome. She forgot to tell me that the refrigerator was too heavy for her to pull out from the wall so she could try jiggling the plug and well that is okay because here is the rest of the story.
Unknown to her or me my grand-daughters friend and her mother have been without a refrigerator for three months. They have been using an ice chest to keep things like lunch meat cold and doing the best they could without one. They don't have any money either . But they hadn't let us know they needed a refrigerator either. Somehow now I think this other refrigerator might need to go to them.
I am going to pray about it . One never can be sure until you give the LORD time to speak . I was just wondering if this might be the beginning of a five thousand people miracle ?
Earlier today I was thinking about the time Peter talked to the three thousand people and they were filled with the Holy Spirit . That was nothing less than a miracle and Peter certainly did not do anything different but let the Spirit use his mouth.
Lord You can have my feet, You can have my hands, You can have my mouth, You can have my time as I sit and write what You want me to write. Lord it is all yours, Miracles Happen, one, two , three lives or five thousand lives , they are all important to You , feed them please Jesus.
Let them know You love them and that You never leave them.

Friday, July 14, 2006


Being Free

John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free ,ye shall be free indeed . Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives even unto death. My word of testimony today is that the Son has set me free . Jesus has made a WAY for me to escape all temptation . Jesus has given me strength to stand and proclaim that it is written man shall not live by bread alone , but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Jesus gives me strength to say, get thee behind me satan, for it is written, thou shalt worship the LORD thy God and Him only shalt thou serve . Jesus gives me strength to say, it is written thou shalt not tempt the LORD thy God. Jesus did that for me, when He lowered Himself to become as a man and go through every temptation , every problem I could ever face and do it without sin . So He could hand me a robe of righteousness , that I did not earn but was willing to receive . It is the TRUTH . He has never wanted me to earn that robe but He has always wanted me to be willing to receive it . Jesus gives me LIFE . Just as Righteousness , Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost are our's as we enter the kingdom of God ,our entrance into the presence of the Father in heaven comes threefold . The WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE . The word of testimony I give you today is that I am free to walk in the WAY , (and receive His righteousness [ the blood of the Lamb ] was given to me) . I can boldly declare the TRUTH ( Jesus came to give us Peace [ my word of testimony ] not as the world gives ) . I can live LIFE and life more abundantly because I seek not to save my life but give it away . I have great Joy in the Holy Ghost as He shows me how to do that . Every step I take brings me closer to not loving my life even unto death . I John 3:7-8 Little children let no one deceive you: the one who practices righteousness is righteous , just as He is righteous , the one who practices sin is of the devil , for the devil has sinned from the beginning . The Son of God appeared for this purpose , that He might destroy the works of the devil . I am covered by the blood of the LAMB .

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Grace and Power

God's grace is always sufficient for me.
His strength is perfected in my weakness.
2 Cr 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness, Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Christ's power .
Christ's grace . Grace for my weaknesses .
Christ's strength (power) made perfect in my weakness .
Much grace has been shown towards myself and my family this last month . It is the weaknesses that I find myself wanting to tell you about .
I am finding myself doing things I had only dreamed of doing . Yet beyond a doubt the weakness are still here . I can not do these same things tomorrow but for the grace of God. Only by grace and His grace alone can I even attempt to continue on as He is showing me to do . I thought when the power came the weaknesses also went away . I was wrong . Somehow He allows those weaknesses to still exist but give me power to go on and do His will . So the weak me is still here , doing awesome wonderful things in His strength . It is exciting , yet a little disconcerting .
I have this awesome awareness that any given moment , I have the weakness of Uzzaiah that reached out to steady the cart . Only God can give me the strength I need to not reach out and help Him . I have to trust that the things that are moving along are not by chance but by God's divine order . That He has predestined all that is happening . He knew who would do what , when and why . That my choice to serve the LORD God and Him only is all He ever wanted .
That His strength is sufficient for me.

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