Friday, July 28, 2006


Better Than A Yard Sale

Last week quite joyfully I told you how I was blessed to see so many people come to the yard sale. I and the person in need were so grateful to so many who bought our items we had to sell . When it totaled enough to meet the immediate needs we thanked Jesus, Who is all we need. As I saw more monetary needs coming I began asking people to pray with us.
Well, last night an opportunity for employment came to this person in need. In two hours she was able to earn quite a bit of money . It is possible her talents that she's been given will be seen by others . It isn't that this person wants to be fabuously rich. She would like to be able to pay her rent on time and have all her utilities on and paid up current. She would also like to have a car. Praise the LORD with me today , as I see that may be happening quite soon now. Praise the LORD !

Praise God! God is so awesome and so good!!!
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