Thursday, September 07, 2006


Except the Lord Build the House , He Labors in Vain Who Builds It

Houses being built, relationships being maintained, peoples needs being met, children being taught and trained in the way they should go, work in the field, all of these things can only be done in way that will affect the eternal, if the LORD builds the house.
Though it might seem like it is a trial and error learning process , it is really a reckoning of the truth, that JESUS is LORD.
As one realizes He is LORD , He becomes the ONE who builds the house. He becomes LORD of your relationships, LORD of meeting peoples needs, LORD of teaching and training the children, LORD of your job (the field He has you working in).
HE is LORD. The HOLY SPIRIT introduces Him LORD.
Drawing night unto Him allows Him to draw nigh unto us. For whatever reason one might be afraid of drawing nigh to HIM ,we as His labors in the fields can help others overcome their fears. But only the HOLY SPIRIT can reveal JESUS as LORD.

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