Monday, September 04, 2006


The Helmet of Salvation

As Christians who live in this world but not of this world , we have not been left without any protection. I know that we stand against the wiles of the devil, but while standing the enemy sure does get to talk a lot. Now I tend to be simple minded . So I have been going a long, with this prayer, "I believe, to do just as Your Word says, and bring all my thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. Thank-you for what You Jesus have done for me , so that I can do this." Finally this morning those thoughts were coming a mile a minute. If I was a tiny-league baseball player and I was a good hitter , I suddenly felt like they had called in someone from the big leagues to pitch and I was beginning to get wore out.
So being up in the middle of the night praying about this, crying out for the word of truth to come for each one of these lies, when I awoke this morning my first thought was, "the helmet of salvation." Then I remembered, oh yeah, it is the helmet of salvation that we are to wear, it quenches all those fiery darts of the evil one. I think I better concentrate on that today.
Oh wow, I just thought of my analogy of the baseball player. Don't hitters wear a special hard cap while they are up to bat ?
Cool, well I am going over to my Green Pastures blog site to write about scriptures on salvation now. You can find that link here Green Pastures . Thank-you Lord for our helmet of salvation.

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