Thursday, February 08, 2007


Getting There From Here Part Three

LOVE......HOPE......Receiving love is the most wonderful, delightful commodity here on earth. I don't want to keep my source hidden. I want to share it. I want every person alive to know where and how to get to it. I want them to have a road map. I want to help them in every way I can. It is just to good for the few of us who have found it. I want to join in with others who have found it and help them share it too. I want to love them , with this love that I have found. I want the love they have found in Jesus to also be coming through me , to them.
BUMP.........Do you have those signs in your neighborhood that say, bump slow to 25 miles an hour ?
HOPE.......I listened last night to a person who had carefully sought out the references to the fruits of the spirit and identified them as attributes of God. It makes sense to me that the fruit of God would be that same like fruit coming forth in me.
If I plant a seed and say, "Let's see what happens now ," will it come forth ? I am reminded of all those years that I mistakenly thought I was doing what pleased God by trying to earn His love. Perhaps then also , I could not be content to let the fruit come forth but had to help it some way.
However, there has been help . I had to learn how not to help in the wrong way and let the true help come and help in the right way. My hope is in God.

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