Monday, December 10, 2007


Give Us Our Daily Bread

Real Life Testimony: When I am invited to go to parties I really do not know what to expect or what is expected of me. I try to ask as many questions ahead of time as I dare, (people do weary of my questions.) So I went to a party yesterday and I felt oh so grateful for the gift of faith. Once I could not enjoy going to a party if I didn't feel sure that I would know to bring the right gift or do the right things. After the food and the group sharing time we began to visit with our neighbor standing or sitting close to us. I was able to share with a woman how at one time in my life I had thought doing all the right things would bring me closer to Jesus. When I found out it didn't , I decided to start over. Now I am closer to Him and enjoy life so much more.

A few years back my pastor (Calvary Chapel) was teaching through the book of 2 Kings. When he was describing how the people of Isreal actually thought they were pleasing God by worshiping a golden calf it so resonated in my heart. Over and over I had found myself reverting back to a formula type of relationship with God. I wanted to quit it. I started asking God to help me quit. My human nature wants to just know the rules , follow them and then rest easy. But my spirit wants to know of His love . Letting Him love me no matter what I find myself doing seems to be the key. Just a while ago I received a letter from the IRS saying I owed money. I was unhappy until I told my heavenly Father, I don't like this news and I don't like it that I don't like this news. Telling Him I don't like me but realizing He still loved me regardless removed my unhappiness and filled me once more with joy.

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