Friday, May 30, 2008


No Dry Broken Cistern For Me

One of the hardest parts of being a laborer in the field is knowing when to rest . The fields are ripe unto harvest does not necessarily mean work until you drop . Actually as a harvester my hope is to be watching the Shepherd ever so closely. That way when we go by the still waters and when we lie down in the green pastures , I'll be watching.
It was not a bad thing to have cisterns in the day that this exhortation was given . Even allegorically as the LORD infers . It was just wrong to let them go dry and break .
Perhaps kind of like the 5 foolish virgins who used up their oil and wanted to buy some from the wise virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom .
Balance , balance , balance is so vital to me . I have fallen down so many times . I've learned you better have truth along with the spirit or you are going to find yourself in a ditch. Reason being the blind you are following will end up there to.
That is why I am so blessed to have a church that exhorts us to read the text for ourselves . Seek the LORD for ourselves and hear from the Holy Spirit ourselves.
"Do not just take my word for it", our pastor says and how grateful am I to have found green pastures . Not just green pastures , because we all have that available to us in God's Word . but encouragement from our pastor to really take your time to eat and digest this spiritual food for yourself.

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